Cook eggs in 5 minutes!
or even less using get-eggs, for every supported distro.
Start from a base system or from your system
The most convenient solution to get a minimal exculsive CLI installation of all the distros is to use get-eggs.
What you need to do is basically install a minimal CLI system, on Debian I use netistall, server edition in the case of Ubuntu, archiso in the case of Arch Linux and minimal installation for almaliinux, fedora, opensuse and rocky.
get-eggs, need same prerequisites: mostly git and tar, first step, install it:
- AlmaLinux/Fedora/Rocky
sudo dnf install git tar
- Arch
sudo pacman -S git tar
- Debian/Devuan/Ubuntu
sudo apt install git tar
- Manjaro In Manjaro penguins-eggs is included on the community repo, so:
sudo pacman -S penguins-eggs
- Openmamba In openmamba penguins-eggs is included on the repos, so:
sudo dnf install penguins-eggs
- OpenSuSE
sudo zypper install git tar
clone get-eggs and install penguins-eggs
git clone
cd get-eggs
sudo ./
If we want to have calamares installed on our live system, we must to install it:
sudo eggs calamares --install
Produce your first live system
Well, we are ready to produce our first live, with love!
eggs love
You will get your live ISO, named: egg-of_DISTRO_VERSION_HOSTNAME-CPU-DATE-TIME.iso
example for a Debian bootkworm we will get: egg-of-debian-bookworm-naked-amd64_2024-12-28_1025.iso
Of course, is possoble to name it in different way, but the import part is we get an installable system.